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Did you just receive a call, or e-mail from Microsoft?

August 30, 2024

Did you just receive an e-mail, or phone call, from MICROSOFT?

Are there loud sounds, or sirens, coming from your computer?

                                   That is a SCAM!

MICROSOFT will NEVER call, or e-mail, you and tell you that your computer is infected with viruses, any more than the police would stop you to tell you that your car door is not locked.

                                       IT IS A SCAM. 

NEVER, ever, log in to your computer, or go to any site that they suggest.

Just turn off your computer for a few minutes, then restart it.


                              Are you receiving too much junk e-mail?

This is the modern version of all the junk mail that we used to get in our mailbox, at home.

You must realize that SPAM is the new way for advertisers to get their messages, ads, coupons, and discounts to the consumer. Some of the simplest methods to reduce your amount of Junk Mail, is to “Reduce your electronic footprint”.

1. WINDOWS 10 and WINDOWS 11 have a built-in Anti-virus program (WINDOWS DEFENDER) that will protect your computer, and your data. 

NORTON, MCAFEE, AVG, and KASPERSKY are no longer required.

However; Just like car insurance; Check that you have WINDOWS DEFENDER turned on and running, before you go out onto “the information super highway” (INTERNET)
2.When you view an internet web-site; CLEAR (uncheck) the little checked boxes on their site,  so your e-mail address is NOT shared. Look for it. You will find it.
3.Don’t forward “Chain E-mail messages”. You are giving away people’s e-mail addresses.
4.Don’t respond to “Chain E-mail messages”. You are giving away YOUR address.
5.DO NOT give out your E-MAIL address on every random web-site that you happen to look at, or to your local cashier at the local big box stores.
6.For security; many major vendors now require that you login to their site, to order a Pizza, or place an order. You can still uncheck that box (#2 above) to avoid junk ads.

7. If you must SIGN IN to access a web-site (ie: Google, Yahoo, Linked-In, Facebook, your Bank, etc.), please remember to click on your initial/icon/photo in the upper right corner of the page to LOG OFF when you are done. Do NOT just "click the red "X" in the corner. 

Otherwise, it it similar to laying the telephone on the counter, instead of hanging up.

Clicking the red “X” in the upper right corner disconnects YOUR COMPUTER from that particular internet site, but it MIGHT NOT have logged YOU out from the other site. Risky!
7. Do you LOG OUT when you are done checking your E-Mail?
8. Do you LOG OUT when you are done on FACEBOOK?
9. Do you LOG OUT when you are done watching YOU TUBE videos?
10. Do you LOG OUT when you are done downloading MUSIC from the internet?
11. Do you LOG OUT when you are done on YOUR BANKING or CREDIT CARD web-site?
12. LOG OUT when you are done on your computer. It’s like locking the front door at night.
13. Now do the same thing for your SMART PHONE.


If you are already swamped with “junk e-mails”, scroll down to the bottom of each of the offending e-mail messages. There will be a small <Unsubscribe> message to have your e-mail address removed from this particular vendor’s e-mail list. Within 48 hours, you should be removed from that particular vendor’s mailing list. You might have 10 messages from an unwanted advertiser, but you only need to remove your name from ONE of those messages to get OFF their mailing list. Call me for more assistance

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